Monday 20 June 2011


All information and updates now available here:

Friday 1 April 2011

Godly Play Italia

On Sunday, in competition with the Firenze Half Marathon, we will be for the second time holding Sunday School on a Sunday! What a novelty! So I've just finished the information cards for the crosses and with a quick rehearsal or two I'll be ready to go.
I'm still searching for anyone else who has already translated the GP stories into Italian, so that we can collaborate. I of course, depend on a whole team of Italians and other ex-pats so that the finished translation makes sense. Amazingly, despite my increasingly dodgy accent and pronunciation for the last story (the Good Samaritan), the 3 girls present seemed to enjoy themselves.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Worship: Tuesday 1st February 2011

The Lord is my light taize.m4v

Following the enigmatic Jesus

Tuesday night we used liturgy written by the Iona Community ( - probably because I was feeling slightly Scottish as 25th January is "Burns Night" (good description on wiki!).

The Bible readings were Matthew 4: 12-23, with Isaiah 9:1-4. The theme of light is developed in Psalm 27 (verses 1, 4-9). We sang: "The Lord is my light, my light and salvation" - there's a good version on youtube, which hopefully should be just below this post. I invite you to play it and pray it this week.

See you on Tuesday 1st February, 7pm!

Tuesday 11 January 2011

New Year, New Beginnings

Worship in English in the heart of Florence.
Hello, if you are just moving in to Florence for the new semester, or you're here seeking or starting work, or you are simply travelling through, come and join us on Tuesday evenings (7-9pm).

We are a new church, (started September 2010) sponsored by the Methodist Churches of Britian and Italy, but our members come from a huge range of church backgrounds. We are bound together by our faith in Christ, and the fact that we speak English.

Our worship is always relaxed, usually modern and often participative. Worship may be lead by Alison Walker (the minister of the main Italian church and this fellowship church) or members of the church. We have a worship planning & rehearsal meeting on Fridays at 4pm, and then a worship run through on Tuesdays at 6pm. The group is largely musicians/singers but we also draw on the skills of our members in art, drama, reading.

THIS WEEK: "New Year, New Beginnings" - we meet at 7pm for 'a drink and a nibble', normally soft drinks, crisps, bread with something. We aim to finish the evening by 9pm, although like any church we will probably still be chatting until the lights get turned out!